How to Make Money With Writing Articles

A good way for earning substantial income is to make money with writing articles. Writing articles for making money is an affiliate marketing technique used by a lot of savvy affiliates to generate thousands of dollars on the internet today. Before you start to learn how to make money with writing articles you need to make sure that you cover some critical points in the article you are going to write.

Let’s see what it takes to write a super star article, read on…

1. Select your keywords properly
Keyword selection will make or break your article campaign. You need to select a low competition keyword if you want your article to be picked fast by search engines like Google and yahoo.

Choosing a targeted keyword needs some research, let’s say you are a member in an online forum which offers an excellent affiliate marketing education like Wealthy Affiliate forum. You want to promote this forum to earn some commissions when you refer new members. First thing you will do is to search for a low competition keyword to let your article show on the first page of Google and let people see it fast.

The key point here is to search for QUOTED keywords less than 5000 daily searches, so if you go to Google and searched for “make money online” you will find that this keyword has a heck of daily searches more than 14,000,000 Wow so if you want to write an article targeting this keyword is just like trying to catch a train! That is simply because there are a GIANTS out there who have businesses since years and they have built excellent relations with Google so they will show before you for sure. The solution here is to target more detailed keyword like “make money with writing articles” for example, when you type this word into Google you will get about 20,000 daily searches which is much better than 14,000,000 and your chances now to make money with article writing is worth the work.

However, we still need to find a keyword which has 5000 daily searches or less but you know now how to dig more and find a new keyword with low competition. That is crucial to your campaign success.

2. Condensate your keyword within your article between 1%-3%
Condensing keywords means that your targeted keyword should be repeated several times in your article as when divided by the whole words should get a result of 1%-3% and this is very important for the search engine optimization of your article. A short keyword should be repeated roughly 10-15 times in a 500 words article. Condensing your keywords properly will allow you to make money with writing articles easily as Google will love your content and show you up normally in the first page. However, you don’t want to increase the density percentage above 3% as Google in this case will see your article as a scam!

3. Submit your article
In order to let your article be visible by online users you have to submit it to article directories like Ezine, article database and other directories. By doing that you are almost done with your article writing.

The best places to submit your article to: EzineArticles, Articlebase and Hubpages.

These are the main directories where you will get good amount of traffics and back links to your landing page or offer. EzineArticles is the most effective directory and will let you make money with writing articles fast as Google loves it and ranks its articles always high. However, there are advanced techniques and tools can be used to drive awesome number of visitors and increasing your sales potential but still these directories are the best way to start and make money with writing articles with no cost.

4. Rinse and repeat.
After finishing writing your article and submitting it start writing a new one applying the same techniques. Make sure you write at least 10 articles for every niche targeting different keyword for each one and then track your stats. The higher the number of CTR you get for an article means the closer a sale so make sure you analyze your article stats from the article directory and when you know the keyword that has the large amount of clicks expand your article network targeting this keyword BUT with FRESH CONTENT!

Train Crossing Accidents

Although railroads have been around for more than a century, they are still a serious safety hazard. Many people are so acclimated to their presence that they regard them as harmless facets of American life. Unfortunately, this flippant attitude is oftentimes what causes serious accidents to occur. According to statistics gathered by the Federal Railroad Association (FRA), there are nearly 10,000 train incidents and accidents each year.

Facts and Numbers

Statistics regarding railroad-related accidents and injuries may be shocking to some. It is estimated that cars and trains collide every 12 minutes. Data gathered by the FRA report that:

• In 2009, there were 9,570 train incidents/accidents

• Of the 9,570 accidents, 649 people were killed and 6,686 were injured

• 95.69% of fatalities were caused by highway-rail incidents and trespassing

• Almost all fatalities (95.69%) were caused by highway- rail incidents and trespassing.

• Highway-rail incidents involve the collision of a train with a highway user. Out of the 222 incidents reported in 2009, 193 were lethal.

• Out of 713 trespasser incidents, 399 died

Causes for Accidents

Train collisions and accidents are caused by a number of factors, including: driver negligence, defective train crossings or tracks, train operator negligence, and brake malfunctions. Reports from 2009 indicate that the top 2 causes for train incidents were:

1. Human factors, such as trespassing, failure to abide by signal warnings, or other dangerous behavior contributed to 34.91% (574)

2. Track defects caused 34.12% (561)

Preventing Accidents

In order to avoid being involved in a train accident, you must abide by all laws pertaining to railroad crossings and tracks. Additionally, it is important to explain to your children the hazards of playing on or near train tracks. In order to protect you and your loved ones, consider the following safety tips:

• Always slow down and look both ways before crossing railroad tracks

• Never play on or near train tracks, as it is dangerous and illegal

• Never try to “beat the train” when crossing tracks

• Report broken or defective railway crossings

Who is Liable?

Depending on the circumstances surrounding a train incident or accident, various parties may be responsible. In the event that a train malfunctions, the company may be responsible for any damages resulting from defects. Additionally, the federal government may be held responsible for hazardous train tracks or crossings that cause accident or injury.

If you or someone you love has been injured in a trail related accident and you believe another party was at fault, you should consult a Wausau train accident attorney of Habush Habush & Rottier, S.C. today.

How To Find The Best Private School For Your Child

As a parent, you want the best for your children. And because you play an important role in their education, you are given the task to choose the best private school that would help you shape your child’s future. This endeavor requires considerable thought and significant process. Make the right decision with the following tips as your guide.

Join tours and open houses. Most private schools offer tours to parents. This is a great opportunity to check classrooms, school facilities, curriculum, methods of teaching, and so on. Some also have open houses for applicants. Discover how current students are doing in terms of projects and assignments. Tag your kids along so that they will have some idea of the prospective schools they would soon be attending.

Talk to the administrators and teachers. This way you can find out if they are approachable and friendly. Teaching staff that are supportive and encouraging makes student engage more. Surely you want your child to be interested and motivated.

Observe the methods of teaching. How the subjects are delivered matters a lot. Even if the school has the best curriculum, it means nothing if not complemented with innovative teaching. Given the chance to sit in, observe the teacher and his or her teaching styles.

Check extra-curricular activities. Apart from academic work, there should be other activities that will further enhance your kids’ learning experiences. A good private school offers diversity with its school programmes. Those that encourage greater family bonds and instill a deep sense of commitment to education can shape your children to be the well-rounded individuals you envision them to be.

Browse the school’s curriculum. Check the subjects that will be taught to your child. Look deeper if these subjects are going to develop your kid’s critical thinking skills. Topics that challenge and improve their existing talents and skills are good. The curriculum should be able to prepare him or her to the next level of education.

The right private school can determine the direction your child would take in life. While you are expected to teach proper values to your children at home, sending your kids at an early age to schools where Christ-centred values are introduce would help you build a solid foundation in their formative years. They can develop better study habits and better attitude towards education. These are important traits to get them into good universities and eventually landing in good careers.